Use the resources below as we continue our children's series about the Armor of God. This week we will finish our series on "The Armor of God". We will learn how it all finally fits together. From first learning the truth, like fastening your belt. Then covering ourselves with our breastplate. But, not with our own righteousness but with Jesus'. Next, we must be ready to "go" share the Gospel-the Good news with others. We are made ready but having our sandals firmly in place. Next, we must protect ourselves from the enemy and his lies. We need a helmet to protect our minds and we need salvation from Jesus. Once we have these in places, the enemy will try even more to attacks us with fiery arrows or lies. Thankfully, we have a shield made of our faith. The faith we have in Jesus and his power to protect us. Lastly, God has given us a weapon to fight back with- the sword of the Spirit. This is God's word. Just like Jesus when he was tempted, we can use the words of the Bible and their truth to fight back against the lies we face. We are now ready for the battle we face everyday! Amen!
Use the resources below as we continue our children's series about the Armor of God. This week we will focus on the sixth piece of armor that the apostle Paul mentions to the Ephesian church- the Sword of the Spirit. This is our first and only piece of the armor which is truly offensive. We use it to counterattack the enemy. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of the Lord- our Bible. Knowing and being able to use the truths found in the Bible are essential to fighting our enemy. Even Jesus used scripture to counter Satan when he was tempted in the desert. Reading our Bible can help remind us of what is true and important in live. Memorizing scripture can help us be ready when we our attacks by doubt, fear or anger. God also uses scripture like a "double-edged" sword to cut through the barriers we place around ourselves in order to correct and train us to make us whole again. Kid's ActivitiesUse the resources below as we continue our children's series about the Armor of God. This week we will focus on the fifth piece of armor that the apostle Paul mentions to the Ephesian church- the Helmet of Salvation. Salvation is so important in our fight against the forces of evil because is means we have Jesus on our side. He offers the free gift and all we have to do is accept it. This salvation protects our minds just as a helmet would protect a soldiers brain. Our minds are essential to our battle because when Satan attacks, he often tries to get us to believe the lie that we need to work harder in order to receive our salvation. The truth of our salvation-it's already been bought and paid for by Jesus. We are already protected and our debt is paid. So, we can simply live in that freedom. How wonderful! Use the resources below as we continue our children's series about the Armor of God. This week we will focus on the fourth piece of armor that the apostle Paul mentions to the Ephesian church- the Shield of Faith. Why is Faith so important in our battle? Because we are told that our enemy is unseen. Faith is assurance in what is unseen. Because we are fighting against what is unseen, we need our faith to be mobile and flexible like a soldier's shield. Unlike the rest of our armor, which is fastened in place, our faith is moveable in order to cover all of our blindspots. Kid's MessageUse the resources below as we continue our children's series about the Armor of God. This week we will focus on the third piece of armor that the apostle Paul mentions to the Ephesian church- the Sandals of Readiness of the Gospel. So, what is the Gospel? It's the "good news" that Jesus is here to save us. How are we to be ready? We should be ready to tell anyone and everyone the good news of Jesus. And just like the right shoes help an athlete to move, the sandals of readiness help us as Christians to be ready to move into action to help those around us! Kid's MessageFamily Discussion:Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
We are commanded to take action for the Gospel of Jesus. We are called to "GO" and help the poor, "GO" and serve those in need and "GO" and tell everyone about Jesus. However, just like if you had on uncomfortable shoes, it would be difficult to go; if we are not fitted with the Gospel of Peace through Jesus, we cannot be ready to go to help those in need. As a family, discuss ways in which we can be ready to "go" and help those around us. Especially in the Christmas season, we can look for opportunities to help those in need and be a witness for the Gospel of Christ. Go and tell the GOOD NEWS! |
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